We use the only freshest and best ingredients in Limpeh Kopi. Our based soup is made daily cooking for hours on the stove before serving to the customer to be then completed with choices of juicy meat slices, succulent seafood, fresh vegetables, and delectable homemade meatballs.
Today, the company has more than 10 years. The homemade soups and sauces with 100% fresh ingredients is our vision and mission with countless heart-warming ingredients.
Limpeh Kopi, 秉着 “新鲜煲最好的靓汤,现备最滋味的食材” 来征服顾客的味蕾。果不其然,食客的味蕾是世界上最诚实的味蕾。尝试过我们的火锅后,食客都会欲罢不能的成为我们的回头客。
10 种自家制酱料, 10 款新鲜煲靓汤, 无数款的暖心食材。